Call to Get Help: (402) 552-7400

Heartland Family Service

Domestic Violence/ Sexual Assault Program

Heartland Family Service Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault services are designed to keep victims safe, stop violence, and hold offenders accountable. These services strive to achieve these goals by providing emergency services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.  Comprehensive services include a 24-hour crisis line, crisis counseling, the Safe Haven concealed emergency shelter, 24/7 Enhanced Advocacy, therapy, support services, and legal assistance. Our services are gender inclusive.


24/7 Crisis Line: 800-523-3666

Heartland Family Service Logo
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Service Areas

Cass and Sarpy counties in Nebraska


For adults and children in immediate need of concealed shelter due to domestic or sexual violence.


Free, group fees vary.

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Sarpy Office
302 American Parkway
Papillion, NE 68046

Safe Haven is at a concealed Location

PH: (402) 292-5888
24/7 Crisis Line: (800) 523-3666


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Hours of Operation

Monday through Tuesday
  8:30 a.m. — 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday through Thursday
  8:30 a.m– 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m– 3:00 p.m.

Safe Haven Shelter is available 24 hours every day.


These services are made possible with generous support from the United Way of the Midlands.
A total of $190,000, or 15.2%, of this project is supported by federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) subgrant #144-2024-VA1058, awarded by the Nebraska Crime Commission through funding provided by Office for Victims of Crime, Department of Justice; in addition, $75,274, or 6%, is supported by subgrant STOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) #144-2024-VW-4014; in addition, $29,741, or 2.4% is supported by subgrant SASP #144-202-SA7012 and points of view or opinions contained in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Commission or the Department of Justice.

24/7 Crisis Line: (800) 523-3666

Office: (402) 616-4739