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Bipolar Disorder is More Than Just Moodiness

During a manic episode, people will sometimes have racing thoughts, jump from topic to topic when they are talking, or act impulsively. During a depressive episode, someone with bipolar may experience a very down mood and low self-esteem, feel extremely tired or unable to sleep, feel low energy or have poor concentration.

There are an estimated 5.7 million people in the U.S. with bipolar disorder, and only about half receive treatment for their condition. These numbers are staggering because there are several successful treatments for bipolar disorder. By taking our brief free and anonymous online mental health screening you can learn if your symptoms may be consistent with bipolar disorder and find some resources where you may be able to get treatment.

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While Heartland Family Service aims for this community of opportunity, using it to guide our plans and actions, we know that there will always be someone in need, and those needs are always evolving.

Our work, both on the individual and systemic level, is never done.

That’s why we are inviting our entire community to share this vision — because a world where everyone can needs everyone’s unflinching support. Our client base is not lacking. Our staff is skilled and ready. Now, you can help us expand possibilities.

Pledge your support today.
So everyone can.